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Hooper Guide: How To Get a Hoop Performance


If you are reading this article, you are probably interested in flow art performances. Whether you are looking to get booked for your first time, 100th time, or looking to hire some performers for your event, this can be a good resource. In the next 10 minutes, we will cover types of performances, how to get them, how to prepare for them, and how to perform when the time comes.

Types of Gigs


Gigs can be categorized into three broad sectors: One Time Performances, Resident Performances, and Published Media.
These are broad for a reason: you need to think outside of the box if you want to fill your schedule.

How to Get the Job

Learning how to get gigs isn’t that tricky and can be broken down into three steps: Finding Gigs, Applying to Gigs, and Closing the Deal.

There are two strategies when finding gigs. Knowing the various types of gigs is a good start. After understanding that you can perform anywhere, start seeking out events in your area ahead of time. When you find an event, go to the contact page of the website and send them your press kit.

Another way to find gigs is to have them find you. Talent scouts are not in the bushes outside of your apartment with binoculars (we hope). Hoop in public and bring your business cards.

In a article one of the pioneers of extreme hooping, Cristabel Zamor shares that, “Every club gig I have gotten has been from a personal contact who referred me based on seeing me perform somewhere in the community.

Performing leads to more performances. Doing your act for free is looked down upon in the wider community, and for good reason. It undercuts other performers and cheapens our work, but there are great chances to perform fairly for free.

Connect with local non-profits and volunteer as entertainment for meetings and fundraisers. When booking performers, if I see two videos featuring the same talent-level, and one is in a living room and one is already performing, I am more likely to choose the latter.

Edit by Tristan Francis Paul @ Eternal Hoops
Edit by Tristan Francis Paul @ Eternal Hoops

Your Press Kit:

Now that you have the attention of an event producer, it is time to send the press kit. Many people do not know what a press kit is, and the answer is here. 

performance hooper starter pack

The press kit should contain a brief introduction, a list of notable achievements, professional pictures, a promo video, and information about how to book you. Once this is all bundled up, it should be sent from a professional sounding email address. These items should be organized on your device so they are easily accessible.

Alfred J. Lautenslager award-winning marketing and PR consultant warns,
"Although a press kit should be comprehensive, every promotional item or piece of marketing collateral ever produced by a company should not be included. Only put information that is current and most relevant to your target reader."

In his article, How to Book Your Own Gigs, Dave Kusek shares his insight into the mind of promoters:

"It's really all about numbers – if they don’t fill the room, they don’t make money. This is where you come in. If you want to get the gig, you need to be able to prove that you can bring an audience, therefore lowering the risk for the promoter."

Your Contract

Once you get offered the gig, it is time to finalize the agreement. It is very important to have a contract ready to go. Recreating a contract for every event can be tedious and stressful. Changing minor details for each one is less so. When crafting a contract there are a few things that you don’t want to leave out!

Be specific on:

Payment Terms
Having Secure Storage
Break Times
Travel Expenses
Onsite Contact Information
Access to Water
Performance Assistance and more.

Some clients are turned off by intricate contracts, so play out the situation and customize it for each. The most major point to securing a good gig is not about the performing. 

The Performance


It is very wise to practice in your costume before you go on. Nobody likes a wardrobe malfunction mid performance. It is also good etiquette to show up early and make sure everything is in order and there is no rush. While at the gig, make friends with any photographers / videographers. Doing this can help increase your exposure. Angelina Rose gives the most valuable tips for performing based on her experience touring with EDC.

With all of this information to prepare you, we are certain you will rock your next hoop gig. Remember to smile, be confident, and organized so nothing can get in your way. 

Thanks and Have A Happy Today,

Matt Tyrrell
Talent Executive

Featured Image Credit: Sarah Harke at Multihoop Manipulations and James Lout Photography

Special thanks to Tristan at Eternal Hoops for his photo edits.